Hi Lorilei and Houston - You guys are sure cute. What are you doing? Where is Shiloh? It must be really hot since you don't have to wear shirts. Have a great day and I look forward to seeing you in October. Grandma
Well grandma, it was about 95 degrees that day. September is still a shorts and t-shirt weather for us down here. It isn't until about December that we need more than a sweatshirt! It's nice not to have to wear a jacket all the time, but we sure are jealous of all the snow that you get to play in!
Opa retired from Active Duty Army in FEB 2004. Since then he has faithfully followed Grandma to Germany and back to Alaska. Grandma works for Department of the Army as a Housing Chief for Fort Richardson. Opa works for APTISS as a Project Manager. He is in the communications field once again. We are injoying Alaska, the snow, triple rainbows above the house and the moose in our yard! Most important - We love being with the kids when we can and enjoying all our GRANDBABIES!
Hi Lorilei and Houston - You guys are sure cute. What are you doing? Where is Shiloh?
It must be really hot since you don't have to wear shirts. Have a great day and I look forward to seeing you in October.
Well grandma, it was about 95 degrees that day. September is still a shorts and t-shirt weather for us down here. It isn't until about December that we need more than a sweatshirt! It's nice not to have to wear a jacket all the time, but we sure are jealous of all the snow that you get to play in!
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