I know that it has been a while since anything has been posted. Darn it all that mom has to work!! :)
Anyway...the kids had A LOT of fun playing with their Grandma and Opa. Houston was very sad to see them go. When we took mom to the airport (dad had left a week earlier) he told us that he wanted to go to Alaska to play with Opa and the "big toys". (what big toys he is talking about I have no idea)
Lorelei thrived with all the extra attention that she got. There was always someone around to hold her. Not sure how she is she is going to react after we take Great-Grandma to the airport and she has to wait her turn for mom to hold her.
Hopefully mom will do OK without all of the relatives around to help. She's going to have to get up with the kids now and make them breakfast everyday. They got used to someone (mom, dad, or grandma) actually cooking for them so I'm not so sure how satisfied they are going to be with cold cereal again.
I thought Mom was going to update it today! BTW, did you ever show Grandma the blogs?
Yes, I did show Grandma the blogs. She liked catching up on everybody. She liked all of the pictures. Silly me though, I was supposed to show mom how to upload pictures and I forgot. OOOPS!
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